若你喜愛酒杯,威士己、紅酒、……有啤酒牌子的玻璃杯…,請不容錯過「玻璃換酒杯」活動。 「玻璃再生璀璨」大使自2011年聖誕節收集到的百多隻酒杯與你分享。 請帶同三個玻璃樽(任何可以回收製環保磚的玻璃樽或容器,請先清洗乾淨及除去非玻璃物料),換一個可愛玻璃酒杯。
日期:逢星期六 上午9-11
星期一至五下午5-9 星期六及日下午2-6
地點 :盧押道玻璃回收站(修頓遊樂場旁)
查詢:5316 2907或info@greenglass.org.hk
若你喜愛酒杯,威士己、紅酒、……有啤酒牌子的玻璃杯…,請不容錯過「玻璃換酒杯」活動。 「玻璃再生璀璨」大使自2011年聖誕節收集到的百多隻酒杯與你分享。 請帶同三個玻璃樽(任何可以回收製環保磚的玻璃樽或容器,請先清洗乾淨及除去非玻璃物料),換一個可愛玻璃酒杯。
查詢:5316 2907或info@greenglass.org.hk
Is the activity be held on 3 & 10 (insted of 9) March Saturdays? Please clarify, thanks.
Yes, the glass exchange dates are 3 & 10 March mornings. Thank you for your correction.
Still have event in April?
The glass exchange is still on-going and the trading time is extending from Sat morning to Luard Rd glass point opening (i.e. Mon-Fri: 5-9pm; Sat & Sun: 2-6pm)
Excuse me, is the exchange function still carrying on? Thanks
Yes, this morning I collected one beer glass for you guys. And there are some 50 in our stock. Let’s make this recycling line moving!
Is there any glass for exchange now? Thanks!
It is on Sat morning, side by side with glass recycling service.
Please come and pick a nice glass.
星期一至五下午5-9 星期六及日下午2-6 <–這些時段是否只有回收,沒有交換? 謝謝!
may i ask that is this event still continue everyday according to the time above??
Now, the Luard Rd. glass collection time is changed to daily 5:00-9:00pm
You are welcomed.