Green Glass Green has been working hard to set up public glass collection points for everyone’s convenience.
Residents of Happy Valley do come to drop off glass bottles from time to time. Isn’t it more convenient if there is a local collection point there? We have been bringing the issue to Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and EPD. Now it is FEHD to decide if Sing Wo Rd RCP allows the placement of glass bin(s) at Sing Woo Rd RCP for the public. GGG will take care of glass bin(s), glass bottle transportation and publicity.
Please email to Mr. Chan Chung Chi, District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Wan Chai) to express your wish of having glass bin(s) at Sing Woo Rd RCP for environment protection and release the FEHD workload on waste management.
Sing Wo Rd glass recycling counts your support.