


請速與「玻璃再生璀璨」聯絡,電話:5316 2907,傳真:2787 4765,電郵:info@greenglass.org.hk


13 Responses to 義工招募

  1. Diamond Tai says:

    我用私人郵箱發出郵件,不知道貴 機構有沒有收到?
    我於回收公司工作的,亦有處理很多玻璃的經驗,請以電郵與本人聯絡,謝謝 !

  2. Monica Ma says:

    Hi! Green Glass.

    I would like to be one of your volunteers and help for design / arts job.

  3. Tess Lo says:

    Hi Green glass,

    I would like to volunteer for jobs related to information leaflets or possibly translation from Chinese to English or vice versa, and any other similar jobs.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  4. Timothy Chan says:

    Hi Green Glass,

    I have contacted and visited you before, we a group of students want to help collecting glass bottles from bars on 1/4 (Monday) .

    We want to start around 8.am. Can you tell me if we can join and where we can meet ?
    Please contact me at 67386847 for any questions.


  5. Moon Ngai says:

    Hi Green glass,



  6. yt.tseng says:

    想幫幫手, 但沒有特別專長。

  7. Alice Lai says:


  8. Shing shun Chung says:

    please reply my e-mail and make an appointment

  9. Sarine Chan says:

    Our company would like to you to collect the glass bottles twice a week. Do you have any volunteers help on this? Please contact me at 2836 6992. Thanks.

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